Cloud Native London, October 2017 - Monzo and linkerd
October’s Cloud Native London meetup was another resounding success, with pizza and beers and 100 developers, devops and techies attending.
Unfortunately James Stewart had to pull out due to illness, but he will be back at a future meetup. Instead I gave an extended welcome to the principles behind Cloud Native and why the group exists, since the group has grown to 750 members in a mere five months. Those slides are available below.
Our first speaker, Dario Simonetti, explained the different benefits that linkerd brought to their infrastructure at Attest, and the difference between data plane components like linkerd vs control plane components like Istio.
Irina Bednova leads the payments team at Monzo. She took the stage to explain their “modern banking” strategy. Their microservices-based architecture is built with Go, using Cassandra as the data store, and runs on Docker, Kubernetes and AWS.
Thanks to all our speakers, sponsors, catering and the events and AV team. See you in November!
- Summary
- Slides