Cloud Native London, March 2019 - Controlplane, Contino and Sardina Systems

The mood was very upbeat for our March Cloud Native London meetup, as we were presented with three great talks!
(From left to right: Kenneth Tan, Pi Unnerup, me and Deepak Ramchandani)
First up as always, thanks to our sponsors Tecknuovo, Contino, Pusher, Humio and Sardina Systems
First was a how-to guide for converting your project to GitOps with Flux, then a discussion of Kubernetes within the Enterprise, wrapping up with a talk on Clouds, toys, and enterprise, including sing a case study.
Pi Unnerup from Controlplane gave us “A how-to guide for converting your project to GitOps with Flux”, explaining that:
- Flux allows you to keep a Git-centric workflow which means that you won’t be storing credentials, controls or cluster state outside of Git
- Git as the source of truth gives a centralised view of the deployment state for developers and facilitates easy and documented updates and rollbacks
- With segregated infrastructure and application repositories for flux, you can safely and automatically manage the state of your projects and application
Following that, Deepak Ramchandani from Contino talked about the increased adoption of Kubernetes since 2016; and the complexities and security challenges that enterprises face when trying to scale. The talk covered:
- The increased choice that was now available when choosing a Kubernetes distribution
- Some of the challenges encountered when orgnisations do not follow a standard and repeatable approach to provisioning and deploying K8s environments
- Deployment approaches for Kubernetes clusters using managed K8s services vs roll your own stack
- The key security mishaps and K8s anti-patterns Contino has seen being repeated time and time again
Finally Kenneth Tan from Sardina Systems talked about “Clouds, toys, and enterprise. Case study: European banking group “. His takeaways were that:
- Sardina Systems delivers a full-lifecycle view on OpenStack deployment, allowing to its customers to benefit of Zero-downtine Cloud Operations. Sardina FishOS is the first integrated, highly available, fully automated OpenStack + Kubernetes cloud platform product with a unique feature in the market to deliver zero downtime upgrade.
- Sardina has built an advanced AI Ops system to provide smart cloud system health to provide highly reliable OpenStack and Kubernetes environments.
- OpenStack is a must have foundation for enterprise private cloud systems because of its rapid innovation to facilitate organizational mission, and flexibility to cater to a broad range of enterprise workloads and use cases. The open source community is one of the fastest growing open source communities in the world, writing more than 20M lines of code. Coupling Kubernetes with OpenStack enables secure, flexible and reliable, multi-tenant containerized environments.
- The traditional enterprise data center has a key requirement to work with a modern open-source technology platform to allow to data center operators to deliver reliable and flexible compute infrastructure, improve the efficiency of their data centers, whilst simultaneously lowering energy consumption which will result into lowering the operating costs.
And also: shoutout to the guy who came all the way from New Zealand for a wedding, and decided to spend his free evening joining us at a Cloud Native London meetup! Sorry I didn’t get your name, but you definitely win our award for ‘furthest travelled attendee’! Welcome, and hope you had a good evening!
Cloud Native London April
The next meetup is on Wednesday 3rd April, and joining us are speakers from Airbus, Bristol University and Component Soft. RSVP and save the date now! Don’t forget to sign up directly with CodeNode as we get closer to the date.
Also, next month comes with a little challenge! We’re always seeking to get different folks to come along to our meetups, so if you can bring along a guest (or encourage someone to come) to the April meetup who is from an underrepresented group, you’ll both get some cool socks!
See you next month!
Cheryl (@oicheryl)