Cheryl Hung

Cloud Native London January 2020: VMWare, Ziglu, and WoTT

For our first meetup of 2020, Cloud Native London January kicked off the year with three fantastic speakers: Chris Milsted from VMWare, Hussein Badakhchani from Ziglu, and Viktor Petersson from WoTT. Check out their takeaways here!

Thanks also to our sponsors Tecknuovo, Contino, Pusher, Humio, xMatters, SUSE, D2iQ and Palo Alto Networks.

Chris Milsted

First up, Chris from VMWare was talking about Rethinking Security from Scratch: The Case for Shifting Container Security from the Edge to the Core. His takeaways are:

  • Technically it is possible to shrink containers down to a very small size.
  • Looking at how CVE’s are released, we map security fixes to package versions.
  • If we remove the package information from our containers, then we need to re-think where we implement our security controls.

Check out his slides here

Hussein Badakhchani

Next up, Hussein from Ziglu discussed Building a Crypto Bank in the Cloud. He concluded that:

  • Finding the right people is the biggest single factor in determining success.
  • Taking risks is unavoidable so take the risks that offer the biggest upside and smallest downside.
  • Make informed decisions

Finally, Viktor from WoTT rounded off our evening by introducing us to The DevSecOps Iceberg. He left us with these takeaways:

  • What are the three layers that you need to think about securing (at a minimum)?
  • How to implement checks for all these three layers.
  • Why checking for dependency vulnerabilities in your code isn’t enough.

Check out his slides here

Cloud Native London February

Join us at the next meetup on Wednesday 5th February, when we’ll be joined by speakers from Servian, Agyla, and Contino. RSVP and save the date now!

See you next month!

Cheryl (@oicheryl)