Cloud Native London June 2020: EXELERYS, DataStax, and CloudSkiff
Cloud Native London was back for our June virtual meetup on Zoom and YouTube to hear from EXELERYS, DataStax and CloudSkiff.
We are, as always, immensely grateful to Tecknuovo, Humio, xMatters, DataStax, and Intel, for your support and sponsorship.
We had a interesting evening of talks, kicking off with Jesus Escolar from EXELERYS giving us An Advanced View of Container Security (starting at 21:41). His takeaways will be added once available.
Next up was Cedrick Lunven from DataStax who told us about Deploying Apache Cassandra on Kubernetes with Cass Operator (starting at 51:50). His takeaways can be found at:
- Build a DevOps Pipeline with Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra™! - Youtube video
- Astra: The Future of Apache Cassandra is Cloud Native - blog post
He also linked to the following resources:
- Kubernetes workshop materials
- Register for the workshop
- Get the free Cassandra book
- Side-car for Cassandra
His slides can be found here
Finally, (following a fantastic bit of unplanned musical entertainment from Khusro Jaleel in the break), we had Stephane Jourdan from CloudSkiff discussing the Key Steps to a Good Quality For Your Infrastructure Code (starting at 1:45:52). His takeaways are:
- Infrastructure as Code is code. Make sure you apply best practices to ensure good quality.
- Build solid workflows, manage roles and permissions.
- Have a clear understanding of the boundaries of testing in Infrastructure as Code. Static analysis (security, quality and best practices), unit and integration tests are the code of it.
Cloud Native London July
Our next meetup will be Wednesday 1st July, when we’ll be joined by speakers from Dynatrace, NGINX Inc, and Microsoft. RSVP and save the date now!
See you all next month, and stay safe!
Cheryl (@oicheryl)