Cloud Native London August 2020: Intel, Palo Alto Networks, and Cisco
We were back with our August Cloud Native London virtual meetup was back on Zoom and YouTube livestream, welcoming speakers from Intel, Palo Alto Networks, and Cisco, and members from all over the world.
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We are as always immensely grateful to Tecknuovo, Humio, xMatters, Palo Alto Networks and Intel, for your ongoing support and sponsorship.
Kicking off our three talks was Anurag Ranjan from Intel discussing Cloud Native Apps for Inferencing and Analytics in Telco Edge Cloud (starting at 31:51). He talked about:
- Intel building blocks for Edge Cloud
- Leveraging hardware acceleration for your AI/ML apps in Edge Cloud
- Connecting IoT devices to public cloud through a Telco Edge Cloud
Next up was Stuart Wyatt from Palo Alto Networks giving us an insight into his experiences Helping traditional security teams become Cloud Native (starting at 1:01:34). His takeaways are that:
- Shift left security is a journey, not just something we turn on in a single day
- Internal culture and processes are the key to a successful cloud native security transition, we need to break down the old “Them vs Us” mentality that have existed in traditional sec ops
- In order to secure something, we need to understand it. Invite the security teams to your meet ups and workshops and make them part of the team
He also mentioned the book The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
Finally, after our break we returned to Hasith Kalpage and Mercion Wilathgamuwage from Cisco giving us a great talk on Hyper scaling Webex media on CloudNative (starting at 1:47:01). Their takeaways mentioned:
- Nuke & pave strategy making it possibly to realise 1000s of server instances, 10s of k8s clusters from nothing to fully functional within hours
- You can most definitely do media instances on Kubernetes but this is just a start
- Why standardise on Kubernetes + CloudNative and be portable across multi-provider?
In place of our usual group photo at our in-person meetups, I also took a quick photo of everyone joining us on Zoom before we closed for the night.
Cloud Native London September
Our next meetup will be Wednesday 5th September, when we’ll be joined by speakers from Redis Labs, Red Hat, Oracle. RSVP and save the date now!
Stay healthy, stay safe, and see you next month!
Cheryl (@oicheryl)