Spotify’s Golden Path to Kubernetes Adoption - Podcast with The New Stack

Another fantastic K8s end user story, this podcast features Jim Haughwout, Spotify’s Head of Infrastructure and Operations. Co-hosted with Ken Owens from Mastercard and Alex Williams from The New Stack.
Listen the podcast on The New Stack:
Spotify is well known worldwide for its music service. Not so well known is its path to Kubernetes deployment has been a road with many twists and turns.
What also may be a surprise to many is that Spotify is a veteran user of Kubernetes and how it owes much of its product-delivery capabilities to its agile DevOps. Indeed, Spotify continues to increasingly rely on a container and microservices infrastructure and cloud native deployments to offer a number of advantages. This allows its DevOps teams to continually improve the overall streaming experience for millions of subscribers.
Continue reading: Spotify’s Golden Path to Kubernetes Adoption Had Many Twist and Turns