Cloud Native London March 2021: Logical Clocks, Contino, and StackRox
We had three great speakers from Logical Clocks, Contino, and StackRox at the March Cloud Native London virtual meetup, joining us via Zoom, Rambly, and the YouTube/Twitch livestreams.
We are immensely grateful to Tecknuovo, Humio, Palo Alto Networks, CircleCI, and UMATR. for your generous and ongoing support and sponsorship.
Our first speaker for the night was Jim Dowling from Logical Clocks, kicking us off for the evening Building Hopsworks, a cloud-native managed feature store for machine learning (starting at 30:37). His takeaways are to:
- Feature Stores are a key platform for putting ML in production.
- We will describe our journey bringing Hopsworks from an on-premises platform to a cloud-native managed service.
- We will talk about HopsFS and how we built a HDFS-compatible file system over object storage (S3 and ADLS)
Next up was Josh Armitag from Contino discussing BDD + Modules = Your Best DevSecOps Life (starting at 1:01:08). He talked about how:
- BDD is about communication not testing
- Modules should be deep not wide
- Setting up compliance at scale is simpler than you think
Finally, after our break we returned with Steve Giguere from StackRox who talked about Lay3r C8ke - Deterministic Security (starting at 1:45:43). His takeaways mentioned:
- Shift left is hard work and that difficulty scales as you do
- Providing kubernetes context WILL help you prioritise vulnerable images
- Everything as Code is great but new/old security methods for code still apply
And before we close, a group photo from Rambly!
Cloud Native London April
Our next meetup will be Wednesday 7th April, when we’ll be joined by speakers from JFrog, StorageOS, and Red Hat. RSVP and save the date now!
Stay safe and see you soon!
Cheryl (@oicheryl)