Cheryl Hung

Cloud Native London January 2022: Komodor, Livecycle, and Pulumi

Kicking off 2022 at Cloud Native London, we had three great speakers from Komodor, Livecycle, and Pulumi joining us at our December Cloud Native London virtual meetup, with attendees via Zoom, Rambly, and the YouTube/Twitch livestreams.

We are immensely grateful to Humio, Palo Alto Networks, and CircleCI, for your generous support and sponsorship.


Kicking off our evening was Itiel Shwartz from Komodor discussing Why DevOps Tools Do Not Speak Developer Language (And How To Overcome This) (starting at 38:55). He explained how to:

  • Evolve beyond observability & monitoring to understandability
  • Build context-rich notifications
  • Tailor existing tools to developer needs

Then we had Yshay Yaacobi from Livecycle who talked to us about Experimenting with Deno for Easier Kubernetes Deployments (starting at 1:05:14). His takeaways mentioned:

  • Using Deno as IaC tool to generate K8s YAMLs
  • Enjoy type checking, code-reuse, modern testing & review tooling
  • Deno is safe, secure with minimal installation required

Finally we had David Flanagan from Pulumi who wrapped up our evening with a talk on Klustered: Debugging Kubernetes Live (starting at 1:45:52). His takeaways talked about:

  • What is the Kubernetes Control Plane
  • How to Understand Kubernetes Resources and Events
  • How to Debug a Broken Kubernetes Cluster

And of course, a group photo from Rambly!

Cloud Native London February

Our next meetup will be on Wednesday 2nd February, when we’ll be joined by speakers from Harness, Tecknuovo, and Ondat. RSVP and save the date now!.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and I’ll see you next month!

Cheryl (@oicheryl)