Cloud Native London August 2022: featuring esynergy and NVIDIA
We had two fantastic speakers from esynergy and NVIDIA joining our August Cloud Native London meetup at esynergy. We also had virtual attendees joining us via the YouTube/Twitch livestreams.
We are immensely grateful to Palo Alto Networks, CircleCI, and Sysdig for your generous support and sponsorship.
Kicking off our evening was David Oliver from esynergy with a great discussion on Taking a legacy application to the cloud (starting at 27:13). He talked about how to:
- When the organisation forces a migration to Kubernetes on team, the non technical factors become much more important
- While developers are change makers they don’t all like change themselves
- Everyone has their own idea of what’s important in a platform if you are using someone else’s make sure you check it has what you need
Then we had Jacob Tomlinson from NVIDIA wrapping up our evening with a talk on Testing and validating container images with Container Canary (starting at 1:02:39). His takeaways talked about why:
- You should test your container images
- Platforms should validate container images when they allow users to bring their own
- You should use Container Canary!
And of course, our usual group photo!
Cloud Native London September
Our next meetup will be on Wednesday 7th September, when we’ll be in person and joined by speakers from Kong, Lightstep, and Harness. RSVP and save the date now!.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and I’ll see you next month!
Cheryl (@oicheryl)