Cheryl Hung brings engineers together to build the future of infrastructure.
As Sr Director, Head of Infrastructure Ecosystem at Arm, Cheryl leads strategy driving adoption of Arm within cloud. She founded the Cloud Native London meetup with 8000+ members.
Crossing the chasm with cloud native - Open FinTech Forum keynote
October 10, 2018 New York, USA
Cloud Native London, October 2018 - Jetstack, WSO2 and Exelerys
October 9, 2018 London, UK
Cloud Native London, September 2018 - Financial Times, Armakuni and Sysdig
September 10, 2018 London, UK
Becoming Director of Ecosystem at CNCF
August 23, 2018
Meet the Ambassador - CNCF
July 26, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark
Would you like me to speak at your next event?
July 10, 2018
Persistent Storage for Kubernetes in production - Which solution and why? - Container Days
June 19, 2018 Hamburg, Germany
StorageOS: A Software Defined Storage Solution for OpenShift - Red Hat Summit
May 9, 2018 San Francisco, USA
Interview with theCube - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
May 3, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark
Diversity Luncheon Panel - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
May 3, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark
HashiCast Episode 3 - Cheryl Hung, StorageOS
May 1, 2018