Cheryl Hung brings engineers together to build the future of infrastructure.
As Sr Director, Head of Infrastructure Ecosystem at Arm, Cheryl leads strategy driving adoption of Arm within cloud. She founded the Cloud Native London meetup with 8000+ members.
Persistent storage for Kubernetes - DevOps with Kubernetes Meetup by Hotels.com
April 25, 2018 London, UK
Think like a storage architect, in four questions - GDG Cloud London
April 18, 2018 London, UK
Introduction to container storage - Day of Cloud Native, Oslo
March 20, 2018 Oslo, Norway
What does the CNCF actually do? - Cloud Native and Kubernetes Oslo
March 19, 2018 Oslo, Norway
36 people in container tech you should be following
March 8, 2018
The Great Container Management Debate
February 8, 2018 London, UK
Interview with Cheryl Hung, Product Manager at StorageOS - Virtual Strategy Magazine
February 1, 2018
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - CNCF Paris
January 16, 2018 Paris, France
The 8 Principles of Cloud Native Storage - The New Stack
January 15, 2018
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubecon + Cloud NativeCon NA
December 8, 2017 Austin, USA
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubernetes London
November 30, 2017 London, UK