Cheryl Hung


Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubecon + Cloud NativeCon NA link
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubernetes London link
What's the future of cloud and container native storage - Microservices conference link
Cloud Native London, October 2017 - Monzo and linkerd link
There's no such thing as a 'stateless' architecture - ContainerSched conference link
Presenting at CloudNative and ContainerSched conferences link
What does the CNCF actually do - CloudNative conference link
Eight principles of Cloud Native Storage - CloudNative conference link
Persistent storage for Docker - London μServices (Microservices) User Group link
Cloud Native London, August 2017 - StorageOS, Jetstack and Docker link
Cloud Native London, July 2017 - Red Hat and Katacoda link