Cheryl Hung brings engineers together to build the future of infrastructure.
As Sr Director, Head of Infrastructure Ecosystem at Arm, Cheryl leads strategy driving adoption of Arm within cloud. She founded the Cloud Native London meetup with 8000+ members.
Leveraging Cloud Native Technology to Transform Your Enterprise - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona
May 21, 2019 Barcelona, Spain
Birds of a Feather, CNCF Financial Services User Group - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona
May 21, 2019 Barcelona, Spain
2.66 Million - Keynote at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona
May 21, 2019 Barcelona, Spain
Introduction to the CNCF - Cloud Native Manchester
May 8, 2019 Manchester, UK
Cloud Native London, May 2019 - Microsoft, Finimize and ForgeRock
May 1, 2019 London, UK
Navigating the cloud native ecosystem - GDG Cloud London
April 28, 2019 London, UK
Navigating Open Source - TECH(K)NOW Day, Taipei
April 20, 2019 Taipei, Taiwan
Cloud Native London, April 2019 - Component Soft and the University of Bristol
April 3, 2019 London, UK
Navigating the Cloud Native Ecosystem for End Users - Cloud Native: Delivering Effective Warehouse Solutions, London
March 28, 2019 London, UK
Open Source for First Timers - TECH(K)NOW Day, London
March 9, 2019 London, UK
Cloud Native London, March 2019 - Controlplane, Contino and Sardina Systems
March 6, 2019 London, UK