Cheryl Hung brings engineers together to build the future of infrastructure.
As Sr Director, Head of Infrastructure Ecosystem at Arm, Cheryl leads strategy driving adoption of Arm within cloud. She founded the Cloud Native London meetup with 8000+ members.
The Ups and Downs of Box’s Kubernetes Journey - Podcast with The New Stack
July 28, 2020
gRPC: Past, present and future - Keynote with Spotify at gRPC Conf
July 27, 2020
How cloud native is adopted and what's coming next - MyDevSecOps
July 22, 2020
Promotion to Vice President, plus I'm hiring for an Ecosystem Advocate!
July 16, 2020
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Cloud native goes mainstream - TechBeacon
July 15, 2020
How the CNCF’s Radar ‘Shows Reality’ - Interview with The New Stack
July 9, 2020
The CNCF Technology Radar - Livestreaming on YouTube with Eddie Jaoude
July 5, 2020
Cloud Native London July 2020: Dynatrace, Contino, and Microsoft
July 1, 2020 London, UK
The CNCF Technology Radar - Keynote, Camp Cloud Native
June 23, 2020