Cheryl Hung brings engineers together to build the future of infrastructure.
As Sr Director, Head of Infrastructure Ecosystem at Arm, Cheryl leads strategy driving adoption of Arm within cloud. She founded the Cloud Native London meetup with 8000+ members.Patterns of cloud native adoption - Cloud Native Prague
February 27, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic
Cloud Native London February 2020: Servian, Agyla, and Contino
February 5, 2020 London, UK
Why Cloud Native Matters - Keynote, Rackspace Cloud Native Day
January 16, 2020 London, UK
Kubernetes and Containers for non-techies - Rackspace Cloud Native Day
January 16, 2020 London, UK
Cloud Native London January 2020: VMWare, Ziglu, and WoTT
January 8, 2020 London, UK
My personal highlights and favourite moments of 2019
December 31, 2019 London, UK
Kubernetes and Cloud Native: Past, Present and Future - Keynote, K8s Forum Sydney
December 12, 2019 Sydney, Australia
Cloud Native London December 2019 - D2iQ, EXELERYS and Palo Alto Networks
December 10, 2019 London, UK
Kubernetes and Cloud Native: Past, Present and Future - Keynote, K8s Forum Seoul
December 8, 2019 Seoul, South Korea
CNCF Updates - Keynote at KubeCon CloudNativeCon San Diego
November 19, 2019 San Diego, USA
Want to donate a project to the CNCF? Here's how - KubeCon CloudNativeCon NA
November 18, 2019 San Diego, USA