Cheryl Hung


Cheryl Hung listed on the OpenUK 2023 Honours List for the second year link
Cloud Native London December 2022: Seldon and, and thank you! link
Joining Arm as Sr Director, Ecosystem, in Infrastructure Line of Business link
Slashing Development Costs in an Economic Downturn: Panel with Wayfair, LightRun link
Do we need a Supercloud?! Interview with Richard Simon of the Cloud Therapist link
Cloud Native London November 2022: Transmit Security,, and AWS link
Infrastructure Matters: Keynote at The DevOps Conference, Copenhagen link
Cloud Native London Oct 2022: Maersk Corporation, MATRIXX Software, Tecknuovo link
Is the OS dead? Interview with Richard Simon of the Cloud Therapist link
Infrastructure Matters - Keynote at KubeCrash, a virtual Kuberenetes conference link
AuthN + AuthZ: Security, Compliance, and Other Challenges link
Cloud Native London September 2022: Kong, Lightstep, and Harness link
Cloud Native London August 2022: featuring esynergy and NVIDIA link
Cloud Native London July 2022: ControlPlane, Microsoft, and Harness link
How to make Cloud Native Data Highly Available in the Multi-Cloud Era? - DoKC link
Cloud Native Trends and Predictions 2022 - Keynote, Cloud First link
Leader Insights | Charting the Rise of Cloud Native - interview with DIGIT link
Cloud Native London June 2022: esynergy, ControlPlane, and Sysdig link
Cloud Native London May 2022: OpsCruise, and returning to in-person events link
Cloud Native London April 2022: RVU, Nirmata, Bloomberg, and Red Kubes link
News: Joining the advisory board of, offering Full Stack Permissions as a Service link
Cloud Native London March 2022: Speakers from Form3, Ermetic, and WSO2 link
Cloud Native London February 2022: Ondat, hosted by Hubert Bosiacki link
The Growth of State in Kubernetes: Article in The New Stack link
Cloud Native London January 2022: Komodor, Livecycle, and Pulumi link