Cheryl Hung


Building the Future, Together - Keynote at Kubernetes Community Days UK, 2024 link
Trends Shaping Cloud and Edge Infrastructure - Keynote, EdgeCase link
Key Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure - Keynote, DIGIT Expo West link
Key Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure - The DEVOPS Conference link
Multi-Arch Cloud Infrastructure from the Ground Up: Why and How to Get Started link
Multi-Arch Infrastructure from the Ground up link
Crossing the chasm with multi-arch: Keynote at KCD Amsterdam link
Cloud Native Trends and Predictions 2022 - Keynote, Cloud First link
Lessons learned from 3 years inside CNCF - Keynote at WTF is Cloud native link
Lessons learned from 3 years inside CNCF - Keynote at Swiss Cloud Native Day link
10 trends and predictions for cloud native in 2021 - Fidelity CloudCast link
What is the now and future of data management in a container-centric world? link
10 predictions for cloud native in 2021 - Keynote, The DevOps Conference link
10 predictions for the Cloud Native platform and issues in 2021 - OpenUK Future Leaders link
gRPC: Past, present and future - Keynote with Spotify at gRPC Conf link
The CNCF Technology Radar - Keynote, Camp Cloud Native link
Introducing the CNCF Technology Radar - CNCF Webinar link
“We’re all mad here”: The State of Cloud Native Software - Software Circus link
The State of Cloud Native Software - Destination: Decentralization link
How cloud native is adopted and what’s coming next - All the Talks link
Patterns of cloud native adoption - Cloud Native Prague link
Why Cloud Native Matters - Keynote, Rackspace Cloud Native Day link
Kubernetes and Containers for non-techies - Rackspace Cloud Native Day link
Kubernetes and Cloud Native: Past, Present and Future - Keynote, K8s Forum Sydney link
Kubernetes and Cloud Native: Past, Present and Future - Keynote, K8s Forum Seoul link
CNCF Updates - Keynote at KubeCon CloudNativeCon San Diego link
Want to donate a project to the CNCF? Here's how - KubeCon CloudNativeCon NA link
CNCF End User Partner Summit - KubeCon CloudNativeCon NA link
The New Norms of Cloud Native - Keynote, O'Reilly Software Architecture link
Cloud Native Computing and Open Source - MIT Technology Review Leadership Summit link
The New Norms of Cloud Native - Keynote, Open Source Summit Lyon link
Cloud Native Past, Present and Future - Keynote, Accenture Technology Workshop link
Cloud Native Past, Present and Future - Keynote, Cloud Native Revolution link
Cloud native: Past, present and future - Keynote, OpenInfraDays Nordics link
Infrastructure matters - Keynote, Open Source Summit NA link
Open Source for First Timers - Women of Walmart Labs link
CNCF in Japan - Keynote, Open Source Summit Japan link
Presenting the CNCF End User Awards (China) to DiDi - KubeCon CloudNativeCon Shanghai link
Call for Code - The United Nations Human Rights Office link
Navigating the Cloud Native Community for End Users - KubeCon CloudNativeCon EU link
Birds of a Feather, CNCF Financial Services User Group - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona link
2.66 Million - Keynote at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona link
Introduction to the CNCF - Cloud Native Manchester link
Navigating the cloud native ecosystem - GDG Cloud London link
Navigating Open Source - TECH(K)NOW Day, Taipei link
Navigating the Cloud Native Ecosystem for End Users - Cloud Native: Delivering Effective Warehouse Solutions, London link
Open Source for First Timers - TECH(K)NOW Day, London link
A Guided Journey of Cloud Native, featuring Monzo - QCon, London link
Crossing the chasm - Cloud Native London, January 2019 link
Crossing the chasm with cloud native - Open FinTech Forum keynote link
Persistent Storage for Kubernetes in production - Which solution and why? - Container Days link
StorageOS: A Software Defined Storage Solution for OpenShift - Red Hat Summit link
Persistent storage for Kubernetes - DevOps with Kubernetes Meetup by link
Think like a storage architect, in four questions - GDG Cloud London link
Introduction to container storage - Day of Cloud Native, Oslo link
What does the CNCF actually do? - Cloud Native and Kubernetes Oslo link
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - CNCF Paris link
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubecon + Cloud NativeCon NA link
Persistent storage with Kubernetes in production - Kubernetes London link
What's the future of cloud and container native storage - Microservices conference link
Cloud Native London, October 2017 - Monzo and linkerd link
There's no such thing as a 'stateless' architecture - ContainerSched conference link
What does the CNCF actually do - CloudNative conference link
Eight principles of Cloud Native Storage - CloudNative conference link
Persistent storage for Docker - London μServices (Microservices) User Group link
Cloud Native London, July 2017 - Red Hat and Katacoda link